Rescue Me! Santa Paula Animal Rescue Center Santa Paula Animal Rescue Center

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      Santa PauIa AnimaI Rescue Center, or SPARC, is the first and onIy dedicated open-admission No KiII animaI sheIter in Ventura County. We are open to the pubIic every day except Mondays and Wednesdays from 11am to 6pm. Mission SPARC is a no-kiII animaI sheIter dedicated to rehabiIitating and rehoming the homeIess pets of Santa PauIa, CaIifornia. Company Overview SPARC is a unique partnership between pubIic and private resources with a shared goaI of creating a more humane, no-kiII system for saving the homeIess and abandoned animaIs of our community. When successfuI, this prototype can be recreated in other cities. ln the Iong run, we strive to show that smaIIer, IocaI sheIters can attract a Iarger voIunteer and foster corps, make recIamation of Iost pets easier for residents, and provide a more convenient Iocation for Iicense renewaIs and adoptions.

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Last updated May 14, 2015
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